Artificial grass adopted the principle of bionics production, so there is not a big difference between natural grass and artificial grass. Excellent flexibility lets you feel comfortable. The durable and no fading grass is especially suitable for primary sites for higher frequency. It's easy to clean, just sweep and wash by hose. There is no need watering, mowing, fertilizing or eliminating the insects.
Junway Artificial Grass for tennis courts has infill and non-infill types. Infill artificial grass pile height usually is 15mm - 20mm, while non-infill tennis artificial grass usually is 7mm - 12mm. Infill artificial turf is filled with sand. The sand level and size may be adjusted to the customer's preference on ball speed and foot play. A court with more sand will be slower and create a slip and slide effect more like a clay court. A court with less sand will be faster and offer more stability. It can also be installed on a new concrete, asphalt or aggregate base. If you would like more information or have questions on whether this surface is ideal for you, feel free to contact us by e-mail [email protected] or just give Anna a call on her cell phone, +86 13166226647.
Advantages of Artificial Grass for Tennis Courts
Durable and low maintenance cost.
Blue, green, red colors to choose from.
Suitable for professional tennis courts or regular training courts.
Always look great whenever the season, not affected by the weather.
Strong UV resistance and safe in full sun exposure.
Good drainage ability, indoor/outdoor tennis courts use.
No need to water, reduce a lot in the water bill.